
Shirley Shi, David Lee
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Snow Covers Sichuan State Highway 318 in Summer

1. endure: [inˋdjuə] v. 忍受
2. bizarre: [biˋzɑ:] a. 奇异的
3. scene: [si:n] n. 景象
4. drift: [drift] v. 漂流
5. measure: [ˋmeʒə] v. 量
6. temperature : [ˋtempritʃə] n. 温度
7. Fahrenheit: [ˋfærənhait] n. 华氏度
8. paralyze : [ˋpærəlaiz] v. 使瘫痪
9. bumper to bumper : [ˋbʌmpɚtəˋbʌmpɚ] adj. 前后紧接、行进缓慢的长车队的
10. Meteorologist: [͵mi:tjəˋrɔlədʒist] n. 气象学者
11. altitude : [ˋælti͵tju:d] n.高度

While people In other regions of China, are enduring the hot summer, a bizarre scene of drifting snow covered the Zheduo Mountain section of the Sichuan State Highway 318 on Wednesday.

The snowfall measured more than 12 inches deep. The temperature was less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
降雪量超过 12英寸深,温度低于32华氏度。

Heavy snow and fog almost paralyzed traffic on the state highway—as vehicles moved bumper to bumper on the snow-covered road.

While the snowfall was creating a traffic jam, some people enjoyed the unusual sight, and got out of their cars to take pictures.

“I came from Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province. I’ve come to Sichuan for a tour. I never saw snow in July. It is indeed rare. Even in winter, I rarely saw snow in Nanjing.”

Meteorologists offer two reasons for the sudden snowfall in summer. The first is the altitude of Zheduo Mountain, which is more than 13,000 feet high. The second reason is the continuous rain with low temperatures in the region.
气象专家对夏季突然降雪,提供两项原因。首先是折多山垭高度,超过 13,000英尺。第二个原因是这个地区持续低温多雨。


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