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European Commission President Barroso says political reform is the key to China’s economic growth


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Helena: European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso is urging China to introduce democratic reforms…he says the sustainable growth of the world’s seventh-largest economy depends on it.
1. commission: n. A group of persons appointed or elected to perform certain specified duties in business or government. 委员会。
2. urge: call for, To present insistently. 极力主张、敦促、要求。


STORY: In a speech at the Chines Academy of Science, Barroso stressed that only with respecting human rights and civil liberties, can China make steps in the right direction.
1. academy: An association or society of men famous in literature, science, and art. 高等学术团体;学院。
2. stress: to emphasize=to highlight=to underscore=to underline, 强调。
3. civil liberties: 公民自由。
4. only with……, can…: 只有在…,才能…。这是倒装句的写法。


“China’s internal long-term sustainability also depends on its ability to introduce political reform allowing for more democracy and civil liberties. We are of the opinion that the further improvement of good governance, human rights, rule of law and development of a strong civil society are key elements for the sustained success of China’s reform process including for future China’s growth.”
1. sustain: v.t. To maintain or keep up. 继续;维持。
2. sustainability: 可持续性。
3. depend on: = rely on. 依赖。

• China’s internal long-term sustainability also depends on its ability 主要子句
– to introduce political reform 不定词词组
• allowing for more democracy and civil liberties 分词词组。


Barroso, in his first visit to the mainland as European Commission president, also urges China to initiate a dialogue with Taiwan before Beijing hosts the Olympics in 2008.
1. initiate: v.t. , To set on foot; begin; introduce. 着手;开始;创始。
2. host: v.t., to organize, 主办。


• Barroso, 主词
– in his first visit 插入句
• to the mainland
– as European Commission president,
• also urges China 动词+受词
– to initiate a dialogue 不定词词组
• with Taiwan 介系词词组
• before Beijing hosts the Olympics in 2008.副词子句


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