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要看蝴蝶嗎?那麼,到田野去!到草原去!到森林去!到山中去!……蝴蝶總是住在 那些地方。
蝴蝶總是住在那些地方!不為別的。他們懼怕人類的侵犯、污染,喜歡山野,喜歡大 自然,喜歡清靜,喜歡自由自在……。
「牠們停在樹上,我還不知道呢。無意間搖動一下樹,牠們竟然煙塵般驚飛起來。哇 !好美的蝴蝶!」
真的,真美!牠們翩翩飛翔舞踴著,具有各種形狀,各種顏色,各種姿態。牠們仿佛 旋舞的少女,舞步輕移,舞姿舒展,被稱為大自然的舞姬,該是沒錯的。牠們輕盈不 羈,逍遙自在,是文人高士所欽羨嚮往的。莊周夢為蝴蝶,豈是偶然?
蝴蝶是很可一看的。且到田野去!且到草原去!且到森林去!且到山中去!……牠們 總是住在那些地方。

Let’s go to Watch Butterfly Hsu ChiCheng

Do you want to watch butterfly? Then, go to the field! Go to the grassland! Go to the forest! Go to the mountain!… Butterfly always stays those places.
Butterfly always stays those places! Not for other sake. They afraid of the invasion of the human being, pollution, love mountain area, love nature, love secluded, love leisurely and carefree…
“Is this not the papilio?”
“Or is it what kind of butterfly? The eurema hecabe? The monarch butterfly? TheLycaenidae? The satyridae? The tirumala septentronis?…”
“Wild guess! Even if you carry all the name of the butterflies you know, is also unsettled to guess it correctly. It’s the Kallima inachus.”
“Wow! How nice! They may some thousands in all!”
“ Far more than this. May be ten thousands in all.”
They stay on the trees, I don’t know originally. They scare to fly like the smoke while I shake the tree accidentally. Wow! How beautiful the butterfly!”
True! It’s beautiful truly! They fly and dance elegantly, with every shade, every colour, every posture. They like the young girl dances revolve, moves their steps slightly, the dance posture spread slightly, is no wrong to be called the dancing girl of the nature. They gentle, freely, carefree and enjoying themselves, are envied and longed by scholar and noble. Is it occasion while Zhuangzi dreams of a butterfly?
Butterfly is worth watch. Let’s go to the field! Let’s go to the grassland! Let’s go to the forest! Let’s go to the mountain!… They always stays those place. @


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