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Narcissus      Hsu ChiCheng

None of any sweet fruit need not come from hardships and pains, none of any success need not offer great strive and sacrifice.
How much bitter must taste, how much painstaking care must waste, how much time must experience, can a narcissus achieved?
It』s not easy to cultivate a bulb. May it needs three or five years, at least two or three years. The more the bulb is large the more the flower is pure white and delicate scent while open.
It』s an exhibition! It』s an exhibition!
Why does it not? Lo, thus pure white, thus pure clean white, thus chalky white, the green soft leaves unfolded and stretched, one by one of the long petals!
What is it? It most probably the snowflake! It most probably the frost twig! It most probably the white frosted glass! Or is it the white jade? The white scepter?
It appears so noble, so soft, so beautiful! Besides, its delicate scent as numberless spirits lie concealed, flooded, assails the nostrils as the pyrrharctic Isabella flaps into the fire, moves one』s heart, arouses one』s appreciation, love and praise.
As to the bulb, it』s devoted and hold out whole heart, without any mean, and also no ask for price. Just for the flower opens in good way, it hasn』t any complaint, even thin itself, even dead, it』s willing, it is bounden duty to do, silently, devoted and hold out.
As to bulb, what about praise and eulogize? Let along there isn』t praise and eulogize? It still devotes silently, holds out whole heart!@


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