
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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「法輪大法好!—— 你們在造謠!——」















Before being put in the Chatou Women’s Labor Camp, Wei was a beautiful nurse.

From 2000 to 2001, 610 held the so-called “Anti-Falun Gong Conference” in the Chatou Women’s Labor Camp every now and then, which was like the ghastly “Struggling Conference” during the Cultural Revolution, lies and terror filling the conference.

Whenever the conference was held, all the detainees and Dafa practitioners in the labor camp were gathered in the yard of the Third Brigade, each sitting on a tiny plastic stool. A few 610 people and the labor camp officials sat at a big table in front of the detainees and spread the CCP propaganda slandering Falun Gong to all the detainees through a microphone on the table.

Because there were many guards present, all the detainees were frightened and obediently sat on the stool listening.

Before and behind every Dafa practitioners the guards placed watching–detainees and ordered them to prevent Dafa practitioners from voicing during the conference.

When the Chatou Women’s Labor Camp first held the conference, Wei suddenly stood up and shouted out loudly:

“Falun Dafa is Good! — You are lying! –”

The voice in the microphone stopped instantly.

Wei was instantly dragged back to the cell to be tortured.

Yet she was by no means frightened. She said to the guards, “Whenever you slander Falun Dafa, I’ll stand up and speak up for Falun Dafa! My fellow countrymen must know the truth instead of lies!”

Thereafter, every time the labor camp held such conferences, there were Dafa practitioners who stood up and shouted loudly:

“Falun Dafa is Good!—”

I heard many detainees saying that they admired Dafa practitioners’ courage very much.

Later on, the CCP thought of another tactics: Put up posters slandering Falun Gong on the wall outside every cell.

The instant Wei saw it upon getting back from the factory, she tore it off indignantly and said to the watching-detainee by her, who had been scared out of her wits, “Just go tell the guards I did it! It had nothing to do with you!”

But no guard came to the cell to scold Wei after knowing it. They were all scared of her.

The other Dafa practitioners tore the posters too.

The guards ordered the watching-detainees to beat us, prolonged our stay in the labor camp, and put up new posters.

We tore them off again.

They beat us again, prolonged our stay in the labor camp again, and put up new posters again.

We tore them off again…

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