
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Three days later, I was forcefully taken back to Guangzhou by Guangzhou police and was detained in the Nanjiao Detention Center.

The cell was cramped, dark, and dirty. The floor was bed. In a corner there were a faucet, a pail, and a hole (open toilet).

All the detainees were detained in the cell twenty-four hours a day.
Half of the detainees were Dafa practitioners.

The instant I stepped in the cell a detainee asked, “Falun Gong?”
“Yes. How could you tell?” I was curious.
“Easy. Falun Gong people walk in smiling while the other people walk in crying.”
Later I found it true indeed.

One day, an elderly woman crying sadly was rudely shoved into the cell. A Dafa practitioner asked her gently, “Why were you put in here?”
“I don’t know! I’ve come to Guangzhou from the countryside to pick garbage from garbage cans for a living, because my hometown is too poor. I don’t know what crime I committed by just picking garbage?!”
She smelt terribly of garbage.

We Dafa practitioners shared our food and clothes with these sad people and tried our best to console them.

A young lady who was put in here because she didn’t have her ID card with her when walking on the street, said to me, “Thank you so much for consoling me. Your words made my heart feel so pleasant. How could such a good person like you be put in here?”

“I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Have you heard of Falun Gong? The government is persecuting Falun Gong. Thus we were put in here.”
We won over all of the cellmates’ respect, thus nobody reported to the guards when we practiced the exercises

every morning and read Zhuan Falun (Two practitioners had quietly brought in two pocket-sized Zhuan Falun when they were put in here).
There was a monitor on the wall of the cell, but the guards all pretended that they didn’t see us practicing or reading. A sixty-year-old practitioner in the cell told me the reason:

“I was once detained here soon after the persecution began. Every morning, as soon as we began practicing the exercises, the guards burst in to beat us. They beat us every day. We practiced every day. Finally they stopped beating us, saying, ‘You’ll still practice even if we beat you to death!’”
A twenty-year-old girl always sat small in a corner of the cell. I walked up to her to see if there was anything I could do for her.

She said to me, “I felt you were very cordial the instant I saw you.”

I said to her smilingly, “We have predestined affinity.”

She told me that when she was with her boyfriend in her rental flat, police burst in and arrested them, claiming that she was prostituting herself. Her boyfriend had his family bribe the police and was released right away. She had no money, thus being put in here.

Then I began telling her my experiences and how Dafa had taught us to be a good person. She enjoyed listening to this very much. Thereafter whenever we Dafa practitioners read out Zhuan Falun, she read along with us.

She enjoyed memorizing Master Li’s poems very much, thinking that Master Li’s teachings were really true and right. “Teacher Tang! Please teach me one more piece! Please teach me one more piece!”

Within a very short time she learned a lot of Master Li’s poems by heart.

When we practiced in the morning, she practiced along with us by following our movements.

The guards burst in to thunder at her, “If you dare practice Falun Gong we’ll throw you in prison!”

The girl was not frightened. She said to me, “Actually, since being put in here I had always contemplated suicide. Had I not met you Dafa practitioners, I don’t know how I could keep living. Now, having Dafa, I already know how I should carry on with my life. I want to become a good person like you Dafa practitioners, too.”

The girl sensed that she would probably be put in prison soon since she had no money to bribe the police. She quietly wrote down many of Master Li’s poems in a small piece of paper, rolled it up and carefully hid it in her clothes. “Having Dafa with me, I will not be scared anymore no matter what happen ahead.”

The looks in her eyes when she said those words were telling me: She had found the guiding light of her life.

A Beijing fellow practitioner once told me such a story:

While she was detained in jail, there was a cellmate who had been making a living by prostituting herself for over ten years.

Being with so many Dafa practitioners in jail day and night, she came to perceive the wonderfulness of Dafa. Upon release she began practicing Dafa and started a new life.

Later she went to Tiananmen Square to practice the exercises.

The astonished policemen arrested her, hung her arms up to beat her, and questioned her while beating, “How come a person like you also practiced Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square?!”

She said, “It’s not the CCP that has saved me. It’s Falun Dafa that has saved me.”

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