
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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My husband and I both sensed that the 610 just released me temporarily, once I recovered a bit it would arrest me again. So with my husband’s help, I managed to throw off the police watch and get to my parents’ home in Maoming.

To my surprise, my parents were glacial to me. My father said, “Holding up a banner in Tiananmen Square — silly! An egg is fighting with a stone!”

So I stayed at my parents’ home only for a few days. After that I stayed in a friend’ unoccupied flat. Not wanting to cause my friend trouble, I soon decided to go back to Guangzhou to face everything.

My husband and I quietly rented a flat in Guangzhou, and then I went to interview with a nearby private English school, intending to resume teaching.

The principal of the school said coldly to me that they would pay me only thirty Yuan per hour (which was the lowest market price), and that they would attend my test teaching before deciding whether to hire me.

I said it was fine.

Over forty students attended my test teaching. Since there were many private English schools in Guangzhou, students usually were allowed to attend one day’s classes free of charge before deciding whether to take that school or not.

Upon listening to two periods of my teaching, the students asked me whether I would be their teacher if they took this school, if I would, they would pay the tuition right away.

I said the school had not yet decided whether I was qualified to teach at this school.

The principal sitting amongst the students instantly bounced up from her seat and declared loudly, “We have decided! You are hired!”

The entire class burst into laughter.

After the class, the students surrounded me, telling me how fortunate they felt to be able to run into such a good teacher.

The principal smiled from ear to ear, “Teacher Tang! I was really moved by you today! I didn’t expect at all that such a gentle and soft-spoken teacher could win all the students’ hearts! How much pay do you want? We can consider raising your pay!”

Considering that it was not easy to run a school and for the students to make money to pay the tuition in this country, I said thirty Yuan per hour would be fine.

The principal was overjoyed.

One of the students attending my test teaching was my friend’s cousin, who knew I was a Dafa practitioner. The twenty-year-old shy girl wrote me a letter upon the class and brought it to my flat.

“I’ve never met a teacher like you, who was like an angel descending from Heaven, purifying my soul and making my heart cry happily in her class. I believe the reason you could teach so well is because you are a Falun Dafa practitioner. Dear teacher, I want to learn Falun Dafa too! Could you please teach me to learn Falun Dafa?”

I invited the girl to my flat, lent my Dafa books to her and taught her the exercises.

The girl’s inner heart and appearance began changing drastically. Her previous cowardliness, puzzlement, and depression were quickly replaced by bright spiritual strength.

After studying Dafa for twenty days, she asked me to give her some booklets, for showing her friends.

“Aren’t you scared?” I asked her.

“I want to disclose this evil persecution! It’s too evil!”

Her family scolded her hard upon knowing her practicing Falun Gong, “We’ll drive you out of home if you practice Falun Gong!”

She said to me, “Over the past twenty years, I obediently took every step of my life according to my family’s will and never had views of my own. This time, I will make the decision by myself. Dafa has made me see light and happiness for the first time in my life. Nobody, including my parents, can prevent me from following the light and happiness.”

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