
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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我突然大聲喊:「法輪大法好! ——」



我仍不停的大喊:「法輪大法好!——」 「共產黨在撒謊!——」







On the morning of May 13, we practiced in the hotel room how to pull out our banner from a plastic bag and unfold it at the fastest speed.

Upon checking out at noon, we went to a post office to mail our Zhuan Falun back to Guangzhou, and then went to a small restaurant near Tiananmen Square to have lunch.

At 2 p.m., we set off for Tiananmen Square carrying our backpacks, one of us carrying a small plastic bag containing the banner.

We ate ice creams and looked around like a tourist while walking so as not to attract the police attention.

The CCP had set up a few layers of secret cordons around Tiananmen Square, with policemen, public security men, plain-clothes, and hired ruffians penetrating everywhere. They would suddenly block and interrogate a pedestrian, “Do you practice Falun Gong?” Some Dafa practitioners were shoved into the police cars before getting to Tiananmen Square as they honestly replied, “Yes”.

At 2:30p.m., we got to Tiananmen Square and decided on a spot where a lot of tourists gathered. “Let’s start!” the fellow practitioner carrying the plastic bag said.We instantly pulled out the large banner from the plastic bag like lightening and held it up with two of us standing at each side of it: “Falun Dafa is Good!”

The policemen, plain-clothes, and hired ruffians instantly dashed toward us. They surrounded us, beat us, and snatched our banner. We desperately protected the banner with our bodies.

A lot of tourists looked on the scene silently.

A police car swiftly ran up. The policemen, plain-clothes, and hired ruffians fiercely shoved us toward it.

I suddenly shouted out, “Falun Dafa is Good! – ”

It was the voice shouted out from the deepest of my heart.

The policemen, plain-clothes, and hired ruffians instantly surrounded me and beat me. An elderly lady standing by me gestured to me apprehensively in a low voice, “Don’t shout anymore! Don’t shout anymore!”

I still went on shouting out: “Falun Dafa is Good!—” “The CCP is lying! –-”

I had utterly forgotten fear.

Upon being shoved into the police car, I stuck my head out of the window and went on shouting out.

A fiendish-looking policeman in the car violently dragged me away from the window by clutching my neck and fiercely punched me. The three fellow practitioners immediately rushed up to protect me with their bodies.

In the car there was a male fellow practitioner. He shouted, “Stop beating people!” The policeman immediately turned to punch him.

We female practitioners immediately protected him against the fierce fists with our bodies.

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