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Autumn Thoughts /ink and color painting

Fall has come.

The thickets of trees growing in front and behind this house by the edge of a wild stream are tinted red, as if wearing red clothing. There are two piles of straw by the side of the house, and several banana trees grow by the straw piles. The painting as a whole has a rich poetic feel.

I believe that the development of someone’s painting should proceed from painting from life to painting to portray a composition, and finally to painting to express feelings. Painting allows the artist to construct scenes, pursue his interests, enrich his experience, and beauty people’s lives. A painter should first observe (and sketch) nature, taking nature as a teacher. The painter should then seek to arrange the composition, adjust the density of the scene, establish the perspective, and apply colors, with a goal of making the painting as beautiful as possible. Finally, the painter should try to express his emotions, without insisting on creating an exact likeness. The painter should his hand to convey his heart, and use his heart to convey his spirit. By painting without much forethought, the painter can express feelings and achieve the ultimate state by creating a poetic spell. @



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