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             Story of Starry Night  Hsu ChiCheng

  “I am a man. I am a man!”
  When I am gazing at the doubtful belt between day and night, gazing at the horizon gradually losing itself in gloom and darkness, at the moment when the sun has sunken into the west mountain and rosy clouds fail to disperse, such a shout comes from behind my back, which gives me a startle.
  I turn back, to find a star. Which is blinking and crying: “I am a man. I am a man!”
  While all of a sudden, another star comes out to shout: “I am a man. I am a man!”
  Then, another star, after another star …
  The stars keep emerging: now to the east, now to the west, now to the south, now to the north, now far, now near, which add brilliant colors to the horizon; calling in unison: “I am a man. I am a man!”
  By now, a starry night is born. The mortal world is enshrouded in silence, and the horizon begins to hear animated, cry after cry until the break of day: “I am a man I am a man!”@

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