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The coral   Hsu ChiCheng

Picked from the sea, these corals are the pets of the sea side.

Erect their bodies and lift out their arms, unfold every kind of image, gracefully and many gestures, pure white, lustrous and transparent, brighten and dazzling, they are truly the precious fine ornaments of the sea palace.

They row side by side on the store of souvenir of sea side, for sightseer to select, to be the fine ornament of their houses.

They are there silently, if they review the grandeur life of the past? Do they long for luxurious house and institution of the sea palace as well as drifting leisurely of the fish? Or complain the hand which picked them?

Back to the sea palace! Coral, you ought to back to the sea palace. Never stay on the moral world to be polluted by the dust! The sea palace is your home originally! @


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