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在那炎炎夏日之中,烈阳曝晒着大地,尽情发挥它的热力和光亮,令人们和大地上的 万物都有受不了的感觉。这就是年轻。年轻是发出无限热力和光亮的夏日之午的烈阳。


那是一场盛大的阅兵典礼。受阅队伍是那么整齐,动作一致,一起提腿,一起跨步, 脚步啪啪而响,雄赳赳,气昂昂。这就是年轻。

那是哄堂大笑,是真诚的,坦率的,毫无掩饰,笑声甚至带有金属相碰的铿然。这就 是年轻。


Young  Hsu ChiCheng

I find out young, and make out the meaning of young.
There is a garden that planted every kind of flower, and bloomed of every one, they blaze of colour, fragrant and beauty. It is young. Young is the flower full blossom, blaze of colour, fragrant and beauty. It is young.
In the hot summer, scorching sun shine upon the earth, does its best to play the role of the hot force and bright, makes people and everything in the world holds the feeling unable to endure can’t bear. It’s young. Young is the scorching sun of summer play the role of the hot force and bright.
It’s an athletic meeting. They make the fastest speed who takes part in track events. They make the highest and longest who takes part of high jump and broad jump. They make the most long distance who takes in javelin throw. They make the most force to match…They like a lively dragon and an active tiger, offer the most effort, put in their whole mind and effort. It’s young.
It’s a great dress parade. The reviewed troops are in so good order, action is in so unanimous, lift leg all together, stride all together, the steps sound in a clap after a clap, valiantly, high spirited. It’s young.
It’s all the people burst out, truly, frankly, not to conceal, even the sound of laugh carry jingle of the mental banged.
I find out young, and make out the meaning of young. @


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