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Storage Battery  Hsu ChiCheng

Writer ought to be the storage battery.

We ought not to look only the appearance about storage battery. Its appearance is solid, may square or circular, hard, idiot, blackened, rough, offers the feeling of dirty, even arose boring. On the contrary, it’s not just like that, it can store electricity though it just some stereotype and thin liquid sulphuric acid, yet it can store electricity: the lamp will burning brightly in the sky as if it connect with; the motor will move as if it connect with; when there lack of electricity, just there is stereotype and thin sulphuric acid, it can charge electricity again, store electricity again; and use it when it charged enough electricity, stored enough electricity, plays the role of it…circle ceaselessly.

Some readers worship the writer before they meet him, but faint after met him; because they know him just like this! This kind of reader is judged a person by the appearance, it’s too vulgar obviously. In fact, the writer can’t know with this manner. The movie star or singer often can win through appearance, often need show, need in fashion. If a writer likes the movie star or singer, wears in bonuses Liulv, shows , attends in meeting, informal discussion in fashion as all others, he ought to be dismiss from this party. A writer must be the storage battery, he is not necessarily be beauty all day long, but he must beauty in internality, particularly there are storage in his mind, in order to kindle the candle to illuminate other people, lead them to guide someone how to get onto the right path, go to bright way. And then, it’s very importance for a writer to charge electricity. Charged electricity, stored enough electricity, will enable him to kindle candle, and illuminate other people!

So I say, a writer ought to be the storage battery. @


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