
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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On the eighth day of my hunger strike, I was forcefully taken back to Guangzhou and detained in a small room in the police station in my neighborhood.

There were only a security guard and a stool in the room.

Having not eaten or drunk and been beaten for eight days, I felt faint all the time. So I closed my eyes, sat cross-legged on the stool and began doing the meditation.

After meditating for a while, my body began gaining a little strength…All of a sudden a voice roared, “How bold! – dare practice Falun Gong in a police station!”

I didn’t open my eyes. I went on practicing. “An insane person!” The voice swore and disappeared.

Two minutes later another voice roared in front of my nose, “Pull her down the stool!”

“It’s useless,” I heard the security guard saying, “Falun Gong people are very persistent. Even if we pull her down, she’ll resume practicing soon.” The voice disappeared.

A moment later, another voice thundered in front of my nose so loud as if a bomb exploded, “Detain her in the confinement cell! Teach her a good lesson!”

The security guard walked toward me…

I opened my eyes; my heart was serene and free of fear.

As the security guard and I got to the doorway of the confinement cell, a policeman ran up and said, “Don’t have to go in there.”

I looked at his eyes. Head lowered, he looked at the floor and said in a low voice, “It’s too pitiful…”

He might be one of the policemen who had heard me clarifying the truth?

Upon walking back to the small room, I wept in my heart, feeling profoundly grateful to Dafa: Before, I had always been a timid and cowardly person who would tremble when seeing people fighting or quarrelling; Dafa had made me start to become brave within such a short time.

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