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In the Warm Spring    Hsu ChiCheng

Chilly winter is gone. Warm spring is coming. Wow, how fine it is!
Is gone, all is gone those together with winter. Is gone, all is gone those chilly wind and cold rain, those withered and declined, those melancholies and sufferings. Gone, all is gone!
All beings in the universe appear full with life. More bright and more warmth the sunshine, illumines everywhere brilliant. Clear and boundless sky, azure and brilliance, as if smeared a layer of feeble wax. There are sprouted of the grasses and trees sticking out, like spring shoots after the rain, pop their heads in and look about, some soft red as the skin of the baby just born, some soft white like elephant’s tusk, grow slowly and turn into light green, thick green, some flowers blossoming, gorgeous purple and bright red, contend for strange and gorgeous. The hibernated animals like frog, serpent, marmot etc. are awakened, resume movement again. Duck, goose swims to the center of the water, leisurely and freely. Cattle, goat chews grasses on the grassland. Undomesticated animals run and chase. Insects and birds lift their throat to sing the winding fine song, and set their dancing step, dancing wildly. It’s very bustling!
One will in high spirits when he has a happy event. It makes great influence to a person the thing from outside. In the warm spring, how can we unfeelingly with wide open eyes of the grasses and trees grow vigorously, all flowers blossom together, insects and birds contend in singing, wide dancing, undomesticated animals run and chase?
Then, let’s actively! Don’t huddle ourselves to be confined in a corner. We must go outdoor bravely far free from the melancholy and withered, go briskly toward suburb, mountain, seaside, for outing, bivouac, to enjoy the grand banquet spring gift, to research the grand book of the nature, breathe the fresh air, bath in the brilliant sunshine, obtain wisdom, healthiness, joy and beauty.
Chilly winter is gone. Warm spring is coming. Wow, how fine it is! @


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