
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Chatou let Dafa practitioners read nothing but the CCP propaganda material that slandered Dafa, and let Dafa practitioners write nothing but the family letters once a month and the guards’ “assignments”.

The “assignments” were copying the CCP propaganda material and answering the guards’ questions, such as: What do you think of being locked up in the forced labor camp? What are you thinking?

No Dafa practitioner did the “assignments”, but we made use of this opportunity to write many articles clarifying the truth of Dafa, advising the guards to take a good path and not to aid and abet evil.

Later we found out that few guards truly read our articles, they just wanted to distort what we wrote so as to slander Dafa.

I once had a conversation with the Education Division chief with the Guangzhou Labor Camp Bureau.

“Have you ever read any Falun Dafa books?”

“No. I only read the material the government told us to read.”

“Now that you know nothing about Falun Dafa, why do you persecute Dafa practitioners and force us to renounce Dafa?”

“Because the CCP ordered me to do so.”

“What if the CCP is wrong?”

“I don’t care. The CCP points to the east, I go to the east. The CCP points to the west, I go to the west.”

“You don’t have your own mind?”

“Anyway, the CCP points to the east, I don’t go to the west.”

“If one day, the government suddenly declares that Falun Dafa is good and the CCP is wrong, what will you do?”

He looked blankly at me without being able to say a word.

As far as I knew, there was a young guard who truly read our articles. What Dafa practitioners wrote was so different from the government propaganda, she felt extremely perplexed.

I advised her to get a copy of Zhuan Falun to read and make the judgment by herself. She thought it was a good idea and then applied to the Chatou chief for a copy of Zhuan Falun.

The chief had often said to Dafa practitioners, “I have a copy of Zhuan Falun! I’ve read Zhuan Falun!” But I could tell from her words that she had never read the book, and her keeping the book was just for quoting the book out of context so as to slander Dafa.

She rejected the young guard’s application.

Nevertheless the guard drew her own conclusion through observing Dafa practitioners’ conduct.

She quietly said to me, “I have been learning a lot from you Falun Gong practitioners. I’ve noticed that whenever there was soup, all the inmates surrounded the soup bucket scrambling for the soup, but Falun Gong practitioners never scrambled, giving the priority to others. Now I no longer scramble with other guards while queuing for food at the canteen. I used to scramble! Now I no longer hit or scold the inmates. I used to slap them in the face and kick them when they made me mad!”

Later, something sad happened to the guard and she asked for leave for a while. Upon knowing it, I requested a guard to give me pen and paper and wrote her a letter, and then requested a guard who was close to her to take the letter to her.

She said to me after coming back to work, “I was so moved. While your own life was in such a dangerous and precarious situation, you were still concerned about me and wrote consoling me; when I was so sad, you were the first person who comforted me…”

She quietly gave the green light to us teaching the inmates to learn Dafa. “I hope they learn Falun Gong. Then they will all become good.”

When her superior ordered her to torture Dafa practitioners, she refused. She quietly said to me, “I dare not persecute such good people. I’m afraid of meeting with retribution.”

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